Friday, January 28, 2011

The Method Writers

In the course of any project, key times and situations arise that define their outcome. Each step builds on the last and each new element gets added to the collective momentum, for good or ill, until eventually the final product is born. The Rogues Gallery Writers progressively graduate toward our goal of a phenomenal novel every day.

This week we gathered and created our 'War Board' - a 4'x8' white board time-lining our characters scenes in the book. Coordination such as this is vital in order to pull off such an ambitious book. We're just about settled into location as well as time frame and number/length of chapters. One of the critical questions to be answered soon is 1st person present tense vs 1st person past tense.

The overall structure of the book is coming along nicely. We have a decent skeleton at this very moment. Once we fine-tune the next few items, our skeleton should be strong and ready to take on more definition. One of the blessings of working with professional writers on a project like this is the knowledge in the room each time we meet. We have enough expertise and talent to make this project soar.

The creativity. The individual writer's excitement. The experience of immersion in a think-tank situation. All this and more make this project probably one of the most memorable undertakings in which this Rogue has ever participated. Check out the new promo ad at the top right of this blog.

The Method Writers are coming your way. Beware!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday in Roguesville

Writing blogs can sometimes be a chore, other times a delight. When it comes to the Rogues Gallery Writers' blog there's never a struggle other than what, of all the projects we're involved in, to write. Right now, Nancy is editing her fingers to the bone and no doubt writing something on the murder mystery side of life. Bridget keystrokes her book daily. She started it in November and at last update, she'll be done with the first draft soon. Jeff's new book is out, Flight From Fear, and he continues to work on his novel Such a Dreamer as well as a couple ghostwriting gigs. I am currently putting together a poetry book as well as a book on writing in addition to speaking engagements and attempting to grasp the overall chaos of publishing.

The project I'm excited about is The Method Writers. This novel already shows loads of promise. We believe our format unique enough to tantalize readers and challenging enough to push our writing expertise up a notch or three. Tonight, the Rogues have a new whiteboard to timeline on. Cobbling together the necessary tools to successfully achieve your goal becomes part of the thrill of writing. Observing the storyline grow in four colors before your eyes holds a high level of excitement only writers know.

Tuesdays in Roguesville are special times when we collectively make things happen, get things started and inspire each other. Busy people make things happen. When you're busy at the task of writing and you're surrounded by writers doing the same, the cares of the world step aside for your work rather than the reverse. Each week, another shot in the fingers, brain and heart revitalizes this writer. Have a great writing Tuesday!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another Piece to the Puzzle

As the Rogues move forward with our new, ambitious undertaking - The Method Writers - there pop up issues we must overcome. We've felt from the outset, four writers lend this book its most potential. Nancy Q hopped aboard and tonight our first meeting as a quartet comes pass.

We next must forge a game plan to take us from where we stand (basic character sketches and rough draft first chapters) to our goal - a top-notch, dark humor, character driven fiction to knock reader's glasses off their noses. Timelines must be drawn. Outlines created. Characters fleshed out and challenged. Loads of communication between the Rogues during the course of this novel must take place.

Since each of our characters will be interacting with each other, we must contact the Rogue writing a particular character in order to get that character's viewpoint or dialog and physical reactions to what is going on in the scene. Logistically only insane people would take this on. I suppose that's us in a nutshell, eh? (get it - NUTshell?)

Hey, I'm not beyond dry-humor puns. We've brought in yet another character promo to the site. Check out the three pre-production ads to the right. Each week we take another step forward. Soon, we'll spit out some projected completion-date goals. In fact, we will be releasing the book a couple chapters at a time (as mentioned in a previous blog post) on Kindle. This will enable readers to follow the creation of the book step by step. We are also looking at a deep-discount on the book to those who pick up the chapters as they come out on Kindle. Stay tuned with more on that front!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another New Rogue!

The Rogues Gallery Writers are beyond pleased to introduce Nancy Quatrano as our newest addition to the family. Nancy brings with her quite the writing resume. While I will leave the details to another blog, Nancy is an award winning writer, an incredible editor and a great person to know in the writing world. That she has stepped aboard with the Rogues is an honor to us!

We are now prepared to move forward with our ambitious undertaking - The Method Writers. Nancy will be stepping in for Rebekah as she is pregnant, writing a new book titled Pregnancy is Easy: as long as you are not the one pregnant as well as writing for American Baby magazine, Parents, promoting her book Motherhood is Easy: as long as you have nothing else to do for the next 50 years, raising her daughter and son and taking a breath every now and then. You can see why Rebekah had to take a break. One more project would send her over the edge...

As far as The Method Writers goes, we have an upcoming blog called, what else, The Method Writers and updates as well as promo ads will be posted here in the VERY near future. In fact, I'd be willing to bet there will be material up on the blog this week!

The logistics of what the Rogues are undertaking would boggle the mind. Let it be known something like logistics never stopped us! We truly feel we will create a must-read book. Make sure you check in on Rebekah as she progresses through the pregnancy. She's already posting blogs that make you smile. Jeff's character in the upcoming book is the promo at the top right-hand side of this post. Looks like loads of fun!

Make sure you check out the authors at the bottom of this post. Some are Rogues, some are friends.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Project!

The Rogues are at it again! After collaborating on Writing is Easy, a new project is brewing. The next book out by this group of writers is sure to grab your attention. Not simply from the first paragraph, but beyond the last word. The Method Writers aims to embed itself in your psyche.

The goal begins and ends with the intent to write compelling fiction that simply will not go away once the book gets laid down. If ever a group of authors could pull this off, the Rogues Gallery Writers head the list. In the coming weeks, teasers and promo ads will begin popping up on websites, blogs and other digital places.

Once production begins, individual chapters will be available as the book works its way through the production process. Yes, these chapters will not include the 'final' edits the book will ultimately possess, but these chapters will be strong and as I said, compelling. Check out the first promo ad above.

Once the first chapter is released, we should move at a pretty decent clip. Anyone who writes books knows this can be a process, but when we release chapter one, we will also have the next four chapters read so we can release chapters at regular intervals while we write more chapters. This is a great way to watch a book evolve!

Be sure to look for our new blog, hosted by Bridget, titled "The Method Writers". This blog will contain periodic updates on the progress of the book. We'll be posting the link here at Rogues Gallery Writers once it is up and running. Our goal is to have it ready by next week.

Until next time!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Meet New Rogue Bridget Callaghan

The Rogues Gallery Writers welcomes new Rogue Bridget. In the coming weeks, our goal is that you find more updated material on this blog. Information like what we're up to and where you can find us. How our projects are moving along and when we expect completion.

Bridget joins the Rogues by invitation. She brings with her a Masters in Clinical Social Work as well as the experience of being the former editor/writer/owner of Coquina Coast Woman Magazine. This mag featured local women writers, business owners and general interest groups.

Currently she is working on two books. The first, a non-fiction, is titled The Year We Died and is due for completion in February, 2011. The second book, Hesher in the Rye, is a compilation of short stories and letters created for and written to her brother, Michael.

Bridget lives in Florida with her husband, Craig, her daughter, Riley, two bulldogs, Jake and Suki and her cat named Foo.

We look forward to her input and we are excited to undertake a major new project with her on board.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Rogues Ride Again!

Another year, another successful Rogues Gallery Writers charge into the Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Literary Awards! Rebekah Hunter Scott earned First Place in the book-length category Humor/Satire with her offering of Motherhood is long as you have nothing else to do for the next 50 years. This book is a hilarious take on motherhood, heck, parenting! As a father I've read it five times and laughed each time. This is an absolutely well-deserved award.

Also winning at the RPLA's was Rogue Michael Ray King. He earned the top two spots in the Published Poetry category with the poems Melody of a New Dawning and No One's There. Both of these poems come from the book Loves Lost and Found which won a First Place RPLA in 2009 for the poem Rendezvous. Rogue King also earned a First Place finish for Why Me? in the Unpublished Short Story category.

Now is the time for all good Rogues to gear up for next year. In order to win awards like this, a writer must have his/her material written and edited by spring. Not much time if you wait until January to write, so it's back to the keyboards Rogues!!!